PG General Instructions
Per Department only one team is allowed for an event.
Participation certificate and lunch will be provided to all the registered participants.
Students from the same department cannot participate in more than one event.
For details regarding spot registration kindly contact student coordinator's.
Participants should bring their college ID card to the competition.
All students are instructed to come in formal dress code.
Participants are requested to strictly abide by the rules and regulations.
All participants should report on time to the venue (8.30 am).
Participants are instructed to register on or before 03.04.2023 (Monday).
UG General Instructions
Two teams per department per event will be allowed.
Participation certificate and lunch will be provided to all the participants.
Students from the same department cannot participate in more than one event.
For details regarding spot registration kindly contact student coordinator's.
Participants should bring their college ID card to the competition.
All students are instructed to come in formal dress code.
Participants are requested to strictly abide by the rules and regulations.
All participants should report on time to the venue (8.30 am).
Participants are instructed to register on or before 03.04.2023 (Monday).